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Mini trifles


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Mini trifles


°Two round cakes bought in store
°Or make your own.
°2 Blueberry jelly
° Green jellies
°500 ml fresh cream
°1 liter milk
°6 tablespoons vanilla pudding powder
°3-4 tablespoons sugar. or to taste
°Pecans for decoration


You can decorate with strawberries as desired.Prepare all gelatin separately according to instructions.
Place 1 kale and 1 raspberry in the freezer to firm up.
Put the other two in the fridge to cool, but don’t let them solidify.
Prepare the vanilla sauce by bringing the milk and sugar to the boil.
Dissolve the pudding powder in a little milk and add it to the milk when it starts to boil. Reduce the heat and beat with a whisk, add the pasta and continue stirring until it thickens.
Remove from heat and allow to cool.
Beat the cream with 3-4 tablespoons of powdered sugar until thick.
brownie cookie and to number 1 add 1 green gelatin, cold but not curdled, and mix well.
Crumble another piece and add the unhardened raspberry gelatin.Mix well.
You can add a few drops of green to the green and a few drops of red to the red.
chopped walnuts.Make a single layer of trifle in small cups by placing layers only

1 colored sponge cake
Add gelatin of the same color
Add vanilla pudding
Top with cream
Then decorate with strawberries and walnut pieces
Sprinkle with melted chocolate


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